College Success

College Success

When it comes to College Success – Do it your way—Don’t try to do it better than someone else. Comparing yourself with others is an effective way to destroy your motivation. Even if you start with enthusiasm, you will soon lose your energy when you compare yourself to others. The only competitor you have is yourself. The only one you need to beat is you.

Congratulations!  You’re embarking on a new journey sure to be filled with excitement, new experiences, and a host of new challenges and expectations.

College Success

College Success comes down to your ability to block out the distractions, the comparisons, and remain focused on your goals and objectives. When you know how to develop a proper plan, when you know the rules of the games, the inside secrets, success is not difficult. Your ability to make all your dreams a reality! Not just success in college, but success in life.

Furthermore, college has its own language, its own set of rules; it is a system all its own. Once, you know the rules for success, you will be quite surprised how easy your GPA will rise. Understanding the rules allows you to be what we call a #Collegiate Hacker, someone who does College Smarter Not Harder.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” -Seneca

Every journey begins with the first step

When you meet obstacles along the way, there could be the tendency to quit. You may think that it’s too difficult to move on. You may think that your dream is impossible to achieve. What makes a winner instead of a loser is the courage to continue. In difficult situations, focus on taking one more step forward. Don’t think about how to complete the race. Don’t think about how many more obstacles are waiting for you. Just focus on taking one more step.

Dedicated To Your College Success

At College Success Academy, we are dedicated to your college success. We will help you successfully transition from high school to college. Thirty percent of first-year students never return for their sophomore year, this is tragic. They simply got off to a bad start, got overwhelmed, thought college must not be for them. It is not their fault, they just never learned how to transition form the highly structured high school environment to the unstructured college environment. They did not learn the rules of the game and thus lost self-confidence like millions of other students.
Tragically, one in four college freshman dropout after their first year and another third of students transfer before graduating, adding thousands of dollars to the cost of their degree. Less than 60 percent of students who enter four-year schools graduated within six years. See College Data and Statistics.

It is clear, the system is not working!

As a result of this broken system, students and parents are being left with thousands of dollars of student loans, mounting stress and piles of credit card debt, all with no degree or plan to help pay off these loans.

One of the most destructive things to motivation is your past. Your past can drag you down before you realize it. Your past can give you a heavy burden on your shoulders. Take it off your shoulder and leave it. You might have made mistakes in the past. You might have disappointed others with what you did. The good news here is—It’s over. It’s already in the past and there’s nothing you can do about it. Remember today is a new day and you have the chance to start again. No matter how bad your past might be, you still have a bright future ahead waiting for you.

Don’t make the same mistakes that millions of incoming freshmen make.

The statistics are alarming and speak to the national crises in higher education. The normal orientation and transition methods just don’t work.

It is well known that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.   College is just too expensive and time consuming not to do everything you can to properly prepare for success.

In the United States, we have the lowest college completion rate in the developed world.  Our dropout crisis doesn’t get discussed a great deal outside of education circles, but it needs to be.

Our education system isn’t built to cater to allow a smooth transition from high school to college and the results are not just financial, but leave in the wake millions of broken dreams, lost opportunities, and uncertain futures.

Did You Know… A Low GPA Could Sabotage Your Income For Years?

According to a recent study of compensation a third-year analyst made average total compensation of $65,000, if the person’s GPA was 2.8 or less, compared to $77,000 for a GPA of 2.9 to 3.1.  The ‘A’ student, with a GPA of 3.8 to 4.0, pulled down am average total compensation of $115,700 – a more than $50,000 a year premium over the 2.8 or lower graduate.

Share Our Mission

Please share our mission with your friends and family. If each one can teach one, we can stop this needless heartache and cycle of broken dreams. Please join our mission on Facebook Let’s help all students do College Smarter Not Harder!

Don’t self-handicap yourself

Too many times we handicap ourselves with the word “can’t.” Remove that work from your vocabulary.  Don’t say things like, “I can’t do it” or “It can’t be done.”  This attitude causes you to fail before you begin.  You’ll be handicapped by your negative attitude toward your own ability.